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New Dean of Student Affairs

Dr. Molly Harris Headshot


Please join us in welcoming new Grayson College Dean of Student Affairs - Dr. Molly Harris!

"I’m looking forward to working with a team of dedicated professionals who are focused on serving students," Dr. Harris said. "It’ll be a great opportunity for me to narrow my focus in student affairs rather than an institution-wide lens used as Assistant to the President."

Dr. Harris began her journey with GC five years ago as the Assistant to the President. In 2018, her duties were expanded to include the supervision of the Marketing Department. 

"Grayson College is a first-class institution," Harris said. "I came here five years ago after I met Dr. McMillen on a few occasions. I was inspired by his leadership and wanted to work for someone who was dedicated to student success. I quickly realized it’s not just Dr. McMillen who is dedicated; it’s the entire team!"

Dr. Harris majored in theatre as an undergraduate student with a minor in Journalism before going on to earn her master's degree in Higher Education Administration and eventually her PhD in Community College Leadership at Mississippi State University.

"As a community college student, I was truly blessed with an amazing college president," Dr. Harris said. "Dr. Jim Boyd was a pioneer in the field of servant leadership. He taught me a great deal by simply being a quality leader. One evening, I was walking across campus pondering my future. I’d always wanted to own a dance studio. At 20 years old, that dream was nearing reality, so I knew there must be more out there. On my walk, I brainstorming other options. I briefly considered expanding the dance studio to a school of performing arts, and I thought through what that might mean in regard to accreditation, faculty needed, student affairs support, etc. And then, just like a hit a brick wall, I realized I wanted to be a community college president. Since that time, I’ve worked in higher education either as a student volunteer, part-time employee, faculty and administrator. As trite as it might be, my first full-time job at a community college was in the mail room."

Dr. Harris's PhD program at Mississippi State University was an interdisciplinary program focused on rural community colleges where her passion for community colleges was solidified.

"I understand the significant role we play in our communities and the power we have to change the lives of those we serve," Dr. Harris said. "I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to play a part in this work."